
Showing 1–16 of 17 results

  • LED PX2 Photo-Crosslinking Device

    Cat. # AT8001. Enable simple and highly efficient photo-crosslinking in 30 sec hands on

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  • oYo-Capture™ Magnetic Beads

    For the rapid removal of free oYo-Link post antibody conjugation for high sensitivity

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  • oYo-Link® Azide

    Site-specifically label your antibody with oYo-Link® Azide for subsequent click chemistry

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  • oYo-Link® DBCO

    Site-specifically label your antibody with oYo-Link® DBCO for subsequent copper-free click

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  • oYo-Link® DM1

    Site-specifically label your antibody with oYo-Link® DM1 drug for cell killing

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  • oYo-Link® DM4

    Site-specifically label your antibody with oYo-Link® DM4 drug for cell killing assays to

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  • oYo-Link® Epitope Tag

    Quick and easy labeling of antibodies with any of 10 epitope tags for simplified and enhanced

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  • oYo-Link® His12 Tag

    Site-specifically label your antibody with oYo-Link His-12 Tag for antibody immobilization on

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  • oYo-Link® HRP

    Applicable for direct conjugation of HRP to primary antibodies for ELISA, IHC & western

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  • oYo-Link® Oligo Custom

    Label as little as 1 µg of Antibody with your custom oligo per reaction. Oligos made by IDT.

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  • oYo-Link® Single-Biotin

    Site-specifically label your antibody with oYo-Link Single-Biotin for antibody immobilization

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  • oYo-Link® SureLight® APC

    Rapid, site-specific labeling of compatible antibodies with up to two APC labels. 30 seconds

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  • oYo-Link® SureLight® PE

    Rapid, site-specific labeling of compatible antibodies with up to two PE labels. 30 seconds

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  • oYo-Link® Tetrazine

    Site-specifically label your antibody with oYo-Link® Tetrazine for subsequent click-chemistry

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  • oYo-Link® Thiol

    Site-specifically label your antibody with oYo-Link® Thiol for coupling reactions with

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  • oYo-Link® VcMMAE

    Site-specifically label your antibody with oYo-Link® VcMMAE drug for cell killing assays to

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oYo-Link® Advantages

Easy & rapid labeling

Reactions require less than 30 seconds hands-on time, 2 hours total.

Covalent, site-specific labeling to the Fc region

No loss in antibody functionality & highly efficient labeling resulting in homogeneous conjugates with 1 to 2 labels per antibody.

Label small amounts

Label as little as 1 µg of antibody at a time and in diluted antibody solutions – 50 µg/mL.

Robust buffer compatibility

No purification steps; 100% sample recovery – no wasting of expensive samples.